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What is FRC?


How we Work

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How to Join

Welcome to Edwardsville Technologies!



Edwardsville Technologies is part of Edwardsville Robotics Club that participates in FIRST Inspires ». Our team is derived from public,

private, and home-schooled high schools in the Metro East area. Our students learn engineering,  computer programming,

hands-on machinery skills,

problem-solving, strategic

thinking, time management,

public speaking, teamwork, and leadership skills essential in any career. Our goal is to inspire and support these youth members by growing capable leaders who will make a positive impact as they continue on to higher education in trade schools and STEM and

business programs in college.

Throughout the year, Edwardsville Technology students and mentors are active STEM advocates and

participate in numerous outreach events.  We provide STEM Summer Camps, host traveling teams,

community workshops, school aged hands-on activities, parade floats, mentor younger teams,

provide assistance to other FRC teams, provide manpower and technical assistance at local

tournaments, STEM days at various schools, community and corporate demonstrations,  and coach



Joining is Easy!

To join our team follow this link to our registration page:


FRC Registration Page » 

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